Quilombo Remnant Communities (CRQ) and Indigenous Lands (Tis) remain the most preserved territories in Brazil. Deforestation in ITs represented 1.4% of the total area deforested in Brazil in 2022 and 4.5% of the total alerts validated in the period, according to data from the most recent Annual Deforestation Report (ADR) in Brazil. Most of the alerts (91%) and the deforested area in ITs (26,598 ha) are found in the Amazon biome. For the second consecutive year, the largest area deforested in ITs occurred in the Apyterewa IT (PA), with 10,525 ha deforested in 594 deforestation events.
>> Acesse o relatório completo e os destaques do RAD 2022
The deforestation that overlapped the CRQs represented 0.05% of the total area deforested in Brazil in 2022. Of the total 456 certified CRQs, only 62 (26.1%) had at least one deforestation alert detected and validated in 2022 with at least 0.3 ha. The CRQ with the largest deforested area was Kalunga (GO), where 258 ha of native vegetation were suppressed - part of it within the Pouso Alto Environmental Protection Area, in the surroundings of the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park.
By cross-referencing the deforested area with the land cover and land use map of MapBiomas, it can be seen that in 2022 there was a predominance of deforestation in forest formation (64.9%) and savanna formation (31.3%), with the rest predominantly in grassland formation (3.6%).
Farming continues to be the main driver of deforestation
Farming and cattle ranching are responsible for 1,969,095 ha, or 95.7% of the total of 2,057,250 ha deforested in Brazil in 2022, consolidating their position as the main vector for suppression of native vegetation. For comparison, mining accounted for 5,965 ha and other mining activities for 1,128 ha.
>> Desmatamento nos biomas do Brasil cresceu 22,3% no ano passado
>> A cada segundo, cerca de 21 árvores foram derrubadas na Amazônia em 2022