MapBiomas is a collaborative network formed by NGOs, universities, and technology startups. We produce annual mapping of land cover and use and monitor water surface and fire scars monthly with data from 1985 onwards. We also validate and prepare reports for each deforestation event detected in Brazil since January 2019, through MapBiomas Alerta. All data and methods are made available to the public, openly and free of charge.

To learn more, visit: www.mapbiomas.org


The MapBiomas Alerta initiative is a system for validating and refining deforestation alerts using high-resolution satellite imagery (Planet 3.7m). 

On the MapBiomas Alerta platform, we publish alerts from various detection systems for all biomes in Brazil. We carry out the validation, refinement, and definition of a time window for each deforestation event, in addition to performing spatial cross-referencing with relevant territorial information (e.g., municipality, rural properties, protected areas, vegetation suppression authorizations, embargoes, etc.). 

For each published alert, we make available a detailed ready-to-use report in an open and free way. The MapBiomas Alerta initiative publishes any and all loss of native vegetation, without assessing the legality, regularity, or responsibility for the suppression of vegetation.


To reveal the transformations of the Brazilian territory through science, with precision, agility, and quality, and to make knowledge about land cover and use accessible, in order to seek the conservation and sustainable management of natural resources, as a way to combat climate change.

Our goal at MapBiomas Alerta is to monitor and make public each event of deforestation or conversion of native vegetation in Brazil. 

We emphasize that MapBiomas Alerta is not a deforestation alert detection system, but rather an effort to give certainty and enhance the usability and effectiveness of the alerts already generated by the various existing systems.
The data produced is public and free of charge and can be accessed on the platform:  https://plataforma.alerta.mapbiomas.org/