The Alert Report is a document generated automatically on the MapBiomas Alerta platform gathers all the technical information about the alert, allowing direct and quick analysis of the location, probable dates of deforestation and relevant territorial/land overlapping, such as rural properties (limits of the Rural Environmental Registry - CAR) and protected areas, among others. This document serves to speed up and facilitate the analysis and implementation of law enforcement actions by the official federal and state agencies. When crossing a CAR property, it is possible to generate specific reports of the crossing with the alert and high resolution images of before and after deforestation, followed by additional information, such as: 

  • overlapping of deforestation alert with protected areas (Conservation Units and Indigenous Territories), settlements, APP (Permanent Preservation Area), RL (Legal Reserve), springs, etc;
  • overlapping of the alert with areas with Authorization for the Suppression of Native Vegetation, Embargoes and Forest Management Plans;
  • history of land use and land cover in MapBiomas' maps for the last years;
  • alert descriptive memorandum (coordinates);
  • methodology;
  • data source.